- About us
Alpine Power Solutions import
several products from manufacturers in Italy, France, Switzerland, and China. The Company export several devices to clients in Latin America. The Company also provide technical support services to customers in Latin America.

Business strategy
Our main concern is the complete satisfaction of our clientele, both in the material requested, as well as in the timely delivery of the same, the correct installation, start-up, operation and preventive and corrective maintenance of the equipment, thus guaranteeing the fulfillment of all the requirements of each order. To achieve our objectives, we strive to participate in the most important National and International Congresses (RSNA, ECR, FIME, MEDICA, etc…), as well as the permanent training of our personnel in courses in the country and abroad.

Products & Services we offer
ALPINE POWER SOLUTIONS : sell, install, and maintenance, and repair a range of medical equipment and UPS (uninterrupted power supplies) to businesses operating in the medical fields. Among the products Alpine Power Solutions offer are the following:
- X-Ray Devices
- Bone Densitometers
- Diagnosis and image storage Software solutions
- UPS, ATS (automatic transfer switches) and transformers – from electrical equipment providers ABB and ABB-GE Industrial Solutions.
- Batteries – from B & B Battery USA Current condensers – from Itelcond
- Installation and maintenance of medical imaging equipment
- Installation and replacement of battery banks for UPS, power plants, and other applications.
- Installation and replacement of battery banks for UPS, power plants, and other applications.

X-MIND Trium
Panoramic dental unit can be upgraded to 3D (CBCT) and/or cephalometry. It has a full FOV size range to facilitate 2D and 3D examinations for many applications.

Extremely compact and lightweight, MAC represents a valid solution for analog X-ray examinations on bedridden patients or patients with reduced mobility in a variety of environments such as the emergency room, operative room and intensive care unit.

PowerValue 11RT G2 B, 3kVA 2U
is a double-conversion online technology UPS that guarantees up to 10 kW of clean, reliable power for your critical single-phase applications.
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